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> EDV-Beratung Edv-Anlagen
EDV-Dienstleistung Elektro , ACN Advanced Communications Networks SA , 2000 Neuchâtel  
Eintrags-Nummer ID  28111

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  • rue du Puits-Godet 8a , 2000 Neuchâtel
  • 2000 Neuchâtel, 2056 Dombresson,3236 Gampelen , 2525 Le Landeron , 2523 Lignières , 2072 St-Blaise , 2088 Cressier NE , 2063 Vilars NE , 2053 Cernier ,2054 Chézard-St-Martin
  • Information Technology Solutions
  • Informatik, Computing, Ces prestations personnalis�es s'appuient sur l'utilisation de nos outils d'audit et de tuning afin d'am�liorer les performances globales d'un syst�me iSeries, et d'apporter au service informatique , Informatique, Informatica,
ACN Advanced Communications Networks SA.ACN was incorporated in 1993. The Company’s mission is stated in the Company name : design and implementation of advanced communications networking technologies. The mission statement is: To develop leading-edge networking technologies for wireline and wireless communications To enable the fast deployment of these technologies by providing networking expertise for migration to new converged networks. Our company has a proven record of performance in meeting technological challenges with success. Projects like the Analog Service Gateway allowing telephony and real-time fax over IP networks or the joint-development of broadband powerline modems for the "last-mile" or the UMTS satellite communication test equipment are examples illustrating ACN’s capabilities. The research activities of ACN focus on Discret Multitone Modulation and Wavelet Packet Modulation for wireline and fourth generation wireless.Imagine a network that understands the language of business. It is too good to be true? In fact this is exactly wha
Eintrags-Nummer ID 28111
URL 1 :
Adresse : rue du Puits-Godet 8a , 2000 Neuchâtel
Agglomeration : 2000 Neuchâtel, 2056 Dombresson,3236 Gampelen , 2525 Le Landeron , 2523 Lignières , 2072 St-Blaise , 2088 Cressier NE , 2063 Vilars NE , 2053 Cernier ,2054 Chézard-St-Martin
Produkt-Liste : Information Technology Solutions
Dienstleistungen : Informatik, Computing, Ces prestations personnalis�es s'appuient sur l'utilisation de nos outils d'audit et de tuning afin d'am�liorer les performances globales d'un syst�me iSeries, et d'apporter au service informatique , Informatique, Informatica,
  • EDV-Beratung Edv-Anlagen EDV-Dienstleistung Elektro edvberater edvberatungen edvschulung edvlösungen edvlösung datentechnik edv edvoutsourcing informatik informatikloesungen it itconsulting itloesungen itoutsourcing rechnerdienste
  • Datenverarbeitung EDV-Dienstleistung EDV-Dienstleistungen EDV-Dienst EDV-Dienste Telekommunikation edvanlagen SUPPORT Service EDV-Schulung EDV-Software EDV-Zubehör Internet Lichtpausen
  • Elektrobiologie Electrobiologie Elettrobiologia Electromagnetic Elektroengineering Electro Engineering Ingénieur Electricité Electricités Ingénieurs Electronique / Ingegneria elettrica

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