Schweizer KMU aus verschiedenen Branchen und Regionen z. B. Zürich, Genf, Basel, Lausanne, Bern, Winterthur, Luzern, St.Gallen, Lugano, Biel, Thun, Fribourg, Schaffhausen, Chur, Uster, Neuchatel, Emmen, Zug USW.

Kategorie: Haupt > Vereine Stiftungen Hilfswerke NGO
Verband Spende Frauen
> Gewerbeverein Berufsverband
Verband und Gewerbe-Verein Worlddidac, Weltverband der Lehrmittelfirmen, 3011 Bern. 
Eintrags-Nummer ID  44395

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  • Bollwerk 21, 3011 Bern.
  • 3000 Bern 22, 3084 Wabern, 3072 Ostermundigen, 3047 Bremgarten bei Bern, 3097 Liebefeld.
  • Schweiz, Switzerland, Suisse, Svizzera, Svizra.
  • We provide Information services, organise education fairs and Worlddidac pavilions at exhibitions as well as seminars and trade missions, provide access to market studies and we offer consultancy to reach our mission objectives.
  • Gewerbeverband / Verband: Association: Fédération: Federazione.
Worlddidac is the global trade association for companies providing products for education and training at all levels. Our mission is to improve the business of members and enhance the value which education gets from our industry. We provide Information services, organise education fairs and Worlddidac pavilions at exhibitions as well as seminars and trade missions, provide access to market studies and we offer consultancy to reach our mission objectives. Worlddidac's commitment is to facilitate and enhance the business of its members. Our services are tailored to serve this purpose. Worlddidac members can profit from a wide range of services offering interesting benefits and discounts, such as: BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT EVENTS. Worlddidac organizes international trade shows and education shows in Europe, Latin America and Asia. The WORLDDIDAC shows embrace the whole educational spectrum and focus on innvoation of global importanc
Eintrags-Nummer ID 44395
URL 1 :
Adresse : Bollwerk 21, 3011 Bern.
Agglomerationen : 3000 Bern 22, 3084 Wabern, 3072 Ostermundigen, 3047 Bremgarten bei Bern, 3097 Liebefeld.
Land / Länder : Schweiz, Switzerland, Suisse, Svizzera, Svizra.
Produkt-Liste : We provide Information services, organise education fairs and Worlddidac pavilions at exhibitions as well as seminars and trade missions, provide access to market studies and we offer consultancy to reach our mission objectives.
Dienstleistungen : Gewerbeverband / Verband: Association: Fédération: Federazione.
  • Gewerbeverein Berufsverband Verband und Gewerbe-Verein Gewerbeverband Berufsverbände Gewerbevereine Gewerbeverbände Berufs-Verband Associations professionnelles Kaufmännischer Kaufmännische Verband
  • Kaufmännischeverband KV Hauseigentümerverband MieterInnenverband Mieterverband Industrie Gewerbe Schweizerische Schweizerisches Berufsverband Hauseigentümer Verband Genossenschaft
  • Arbeitgeberverband Arbeiterverband Associati Unions et Organisation Federazioni Associazioni Versicherungsverband Genossenschaften Union Unione Unioni

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