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Sport-Club Turniere Trainer , FASe Fondation genevoise pour l'animation socioculturelle , 1227 Carouge GE 
Eintrags-Nummer ID  19462

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  • rue Blavignac 10 1227 Carouge GE
  • 1227 Carouge GE, 1227 Les Acacias ,1222 Vésenaz , 1216 Cointrin , 1242 Satigny ,
  • Schweiz, Switzerland, Suisse, Svizzera, Svizra,
  • Centre de loisirs,
  • Freizeitanlage, Leisure centre,Centre de loisirs,Centro ricreativo,
Dear Parents, Students and Group Leaders, Welcome to the Haut Lac International Centre - A Centre for all Seasons. It is a pleasure to provide you with information on our Centre, which is a hive of activity for hundreds of students throughout the year. Whether skiing or rafting, playing tennis or learning a language, students from all corners of the globe have found Haut Lac to be a home from home - where they can relax, make friends and experience different cultures, while having the time of their life trying out new sports and activities. Since we opened our doors in 1987 students on our language courses have benefited from our " work and play " philosophy which takes language beyond the classroom and into the living world where both the importance and relevance of learning a new language can be fully appreciated and understood. From the start Haut Lac has been a family organisation and this is a feeling that comes across between our staff and students in all our courses. Our energetic and enthusiastic staff have but one goal - to ensure that all our students get the m
Eintrags-Nummer ID 19462
URL 1 :
Adresse : rue Blavignac 10 1227 Carouge GE
Agglomerationen : 1227 Carouge GE, 1227 Les Acacias ,1222 Vésenaz , 1216 Cointrin , 1242 Satigny ,
Land / Länder : Schweiz, Switzerland, Suisse, Svizzera, Svizra,
Marken-Produkte : Centre de loisirs,
Aktivitäten & Dienstleistungen : Freizeitanlage, Leisure centre,Centre de loisirs,Centro ricreativo,
  • Sportvereine Sportverband Sport-Club Club de Sports Tournaments Spielplan Spielbericht Junioren Club Jungseniorenturnier Tournament
  • Klubhaus Mitgliedschaft Turniere Training Trainer Mannschaft Mannschaften Mitgliedschaften Sportclub Sportclubs Sportverband Sportverbände Sportverein

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